Wednesday 10 September 2014

Lunchtime blues

Eh someone give me a life changing experience. It's lunchtime and I picked up the child, took her home and came back to work. All in the span of 15 minutes. What, no ride around the town clock? No, back at work and now starving. Tempted to text "anybody wanna lunch?" in our Lau whatsapp room, but, well, don't want to have someone say "yeah sure lets go" and it's someone I don't reeeeally want to break bread with, you know? So here I am. Starving and unable to work until I get nourishment.

Ahh but wait! My boyfriend just called. He's in a work meeting and they have left over food! And when I say leftover food, I mean lobsters, steak, bbq chicken etc. And when I say boyfriend, I mean my gay boy friend. And when I say I'm coming right over, I mean I'm already in my car.

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